Dear all,
We are starting a new week and in several countries the lockdown will be
slowly eased. The weather is also getting better and
we believe that it is a good idea to train outside.
This week focus of the training of the MAOR CENTER ISRAEL is to...
Train to block:
Straight punch to your face from the front (with a right, a left, left/right punch of the enemy)
Straight punch to your face from the side (from your left side, your right side)
round punch = same as knife stab from the side (up). Train this left and right)
Knife stab from the side (down)
Knife stab to the belly straight forward
After you block you must control: grab if possible the wrist of the partner and 3xpunch or whenever possible do a lemon, then control of the enemy on the floor.
On behalf of Amnon Maor
P.S: We are planning to get back to training in autumn. Please note that Leo Chin has a "early bird" offer for his seminar in November in Zurich.